Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Long Shot Photo Marathon, this Friday and Saturday!

In March of this year, after I had moved to Seattle to pursue more photography opportunities, I started volunteering at the local photography center, The Photographic Center Northwest. PCNW is an amazing community with equipment available to the public, including a color darkroom (which sadly is going away soon), a black and white darkroom, digital lab and a multitude of classes and workshops that are offered throughout the year.

This Friday/Saturday PCNW is hosting a 24 hour photo marathon. What does this mean? Anyone can participate, even out of state photographers who are eager to enter images in a show and help out the photography community. You can photograph for up to 24 hours (by no means do you have to do ALL 24, but some people do...) submit up to 10 of your favorite images from this event to PCNW, one of those images will be displayed in the gallery on July 23rd and if your image sells, all proceeds go to PCNW. Check out the website for more details, it rocks.

If anything, this will challenge you as an artist, in a good way. Pick up that camera, tackle those projects and subjects you've been wanting to conquer, get creative, get together with fellow friends and photographers (make it fun for everyone), spread the love of photography!!!!

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